Abundant Living Family Church

.: Connection Groups :.

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What is a Connection Group? 

A connection group is typically made up of three to twenty people who meet regularly, either weekly or monthly to share about their lives, support one another, and study biblical truths. There are two types of Connection groups: Small Groups and Interest Groups. Each group has a leader. Small Groups meet in a number of different locations in the Inland Empire, including coffee shops, restaurants, the church, and work places, but typically they meet in homes. Interest Groups meet at a various venues based on the type of interest. These groups are developed based on common interests, hobbies and activities.

Why should I attend a Connection Group?

Connection groups at ALFC exist to help you grow up to full maturity in your relationship with God and others. You may be doing great in your Christian walk right now, but by being in relationship with fellow believers, you will experience even more of the abundant life Jesus has to offer. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. If you are ready to connect with other people, belong to something life-changing, and grow in Christ through relationships with other believers, then maybe it's time to get involved in a Connection Group!

What do Small Groups do?

Small Groups have a time of fellowship, prayer, Bible study, discussion, and life application. They discuss Pastor Diego's weekend message more personally by using our online Small Group Questions.

We also encourage our Connection groups to serve the community together. It's amazing what God can do through a group of people as they use their skills, gifts and resources to help those in need.

What do Interest Groups do?

Interest Groups build relationships and meet over common interests, hobbies and activities.

How do I find and sign up for a Connection Group?

Look through our Group Finder Directory and find a group or two that suit your schedule and interests. Then complete the Connection Group finder. The leader of the group will give you directions and details and you can  just show up and check it out! You may complete a Connection Group application that can be picked up at the Connection Group kiosk in the courtyard. Hopefully, you’ll feel right at home with the first group you visit, but you may need to visit two groups before you find the group that's right for you. If you feel a little nervous or unsure, just stick with it - you'll be happy you did! So, will you take the steps to find a Connection group of your own?

Can I lead a Connection Group?

If you love God, love people, want to become a positive influence in the lives of others, and are a member of our church, you are a potential group leader. If you have an idea for a Connection Group or if you would like to know more about leading a Connection Group, call or email us today. 

For more information, please contact Dolores Martinez or call the church office at 909.204.4517.


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   Registration Form
» Connection Group Leaders

Building Relationships 





Abundant Living Family Church