Abundant Living Family Church

.: A Word From Pastor :.

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Luke 5:18 

This battle is not a battle against me or you but against us together. It’s a battle against our church and a battle in the Kingdom of God. That’s why we all have to have “skin in the game.” That means all of us praying, confessing, fasting, rebuking, standing, etc. All of us need to be attending church, financially supporting, and serving. It also means all of our faith is active.

Because of this commitment, we will all know the sweet taste of victory and not one person from me to you will get the glory of this miracle, but it will be a God miracle worked through all of us (a corporate anointing). Remember, the victory has already been paid for and is already done, settled, confirmed, and recorded. We just have to proclaim it, believe it, and thank God for it. Let’s keep up the stand. Amos 3:3

Pastor Diego Mesa

About Pastors Diego and Cindy Mesa

Abundant Living Family Church