What is The Lifehouse?
The Lifehouse is a Christian-based program designed to help men who are dealing with issues such as drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and other related destructive behaviors. The Lifehouse is a six month residential program.
How does it work?
Men at The Lifehouse are assisted in their recovery in five key areas:
The Word of God
Building the spiritual man, thus renewing the mind
Building faith and a relationship with God
Healthy and Godly Fellowship
Sharing testimonies and encouraging one another
Personal Accountability
Giving correction, guidance, and direction to each as individuals
Giving Back
Learning how to give back by volunteering in areas of need
Residential Services
Residential services include:
- Room and board
- Supportive services
- Whole person counseling
- Financial counseling
- Pre-employment services
- Case management
Grand Opening of The Lifehouse Coming Soon!
Check back for details or contact Pastor Danny Limon at 909.987.7110, ext. 542 or by e-mail at dlimon@alfconline.com for additional information.